Many New Jersey businesses are relying on their legacy technology to keep them functioning and productive. However, recent innovations in enterprise-level digital tools are revolutionizing how New Jersey’s industries currently operate, and the state’s burgeoning economy is pressing for more innovations in the future. Companies that want to compete in that energized future may wish to explore the opportunities offered by managed IT services to keep them on top of their industry and ahead of their competition. They’ll find that yesterday’s on-prem tech simply can’t match the flexibility, scope or intelligence of today’s – and tomorrow’s – digital managed IT wizardry.
New Jersey’s Bright Future
Already, state leaders are at work developing the policies that will support what they expect to be a growth boom in the state’s economy. Building on existing infrastructures, for example, reduces the need for additional public funding, maximizes investments already made, and connects in with well-established transportation services. The development of “Opportunity Zones” in areas that already score well on the state’s “Smart Growth Measures” will attract new investments in communities that possess the raw materials needed to jumpstart new economic hubs. The combination of public guidance and private investment is enticing newcomers to join existing industries and to develop new industrial sectors in the bustling Northern New Jersey counties.
In anticipation of that emerging economic growth, local and regional organizations should prepare to both compete against and excel over their competitors. Managed IT services offer them the tools they’ll need to succeed at both. Here are just four reasons to switch over if you’re wondering, “why use managed IT services?”
Why Use Managed IT Services?
The short answer: because they work. The longer answer: because managed IT services offer options that are not available from on-prem software, and because companies can’t compete without the digital tools available solely from a managed IT services provider.
Two overarching business goals offer the opportunity for examples:
#1 – Improved Productivity
Every company wants to enhance their productivity without escalating their costs. Managed IT services provide the tools to achieve that goal.
Managed IT services are performed on the provider’s servers – in ‘the cloud’ – so they don’t consume on-prem machines. They can, however, integrate with existing legacy technology to capture proprietary functions and enhance current computing activities. The cloud, however, also offers programming not available on-prem, much of which will improve how any business does its work. IT supports maintenance and service transfer, which also assumes responsibility for maintaining the cloud and/or hybrid cloud/on-prem configuration. Business owners enjoy the functionality of the enhanced IT environment without having to purchase or manage all of its separate assets.
The automation of routine tasks is a game changer for many enterprises. Most companies have regularly-occurring activities that don’t need mental input; they just need attention. Automation digitizes those duties, and because they are cloud-based, the automation is as flexible as the task requires it to be. The IT service performs the mundane activities in a fraction of the time it takes for workers to do the job, and the company can put their resources to much better use in the meantime.
Managed analytics services identify where within systems time-saving changes can be made, and cost-saving measures can be taken. Because the cloud-based servers work infinitely faster than the human brain, they can produce insights and revelations much quicker than their human counterparts. The C-Suite can then make decisions based on up-to-the-minute information, knowing that the IT analyzed reports are both accurate and timely.
#2 – Enhanced Security
The rising number and relative invasiveness of cyber attacks make keeping up with cybersecurity concerns an exhausting proposition. Too many companies don’t have the time or financial resources to maintain a truly secure perimeter around their data and operations, which leaves them vulnerable to attacks, breaches, and losses.
Managed IT services, however, are designed to stay current with known threats and be alert to new risks across the enterprise. According to industry insiders, today’s cyber concerns are more complicated than ever, and ‘adequate’ protections involve knitting together an intricate web of enterprise, network, hardware and software solutions. Coordinating the nuances of each element of that web requires an equally sophisticated computing system, and that system is best situated in the cloud.
Further, the complexity of the security system increases depending on the industry. In the healthcare field, as an example, in addition to the foundational-level authentications, access controls and firewalls of traditional security oversights, governments also require sophisticated digital monitoring of massive volumes of health, personal and medical data that is continuously in transition among healthcare providers.
On top of that burden is the compliance requirement that mandates not just that providers ensure adequate digital security, but can also prove that compliance, as well. Even small healthcare settings struggle to manage all the technologies needed to accomplish those many mandates. Not surprisingly, most healthcare enterprises turn to managed IT services to ensure that their organization maintains adequate protections and compliances even as they offer stellar medical supports.
New Jersey is growing and adding new businesses every day, and the escalating competition is fanned by government policies encouraging the growth. Established businesses that are asking “why use managed IT services?” can now answer that question: because they need the digital tools to compete and thrive in New Jersey’s exciting economic future.